My Online Store
ArtExplainz is a merchandise line, featuring designs that are inspired by my water-colour paintings from My Art Journal. If you like the designs (and the inspiration behind it) and would like to have the items as momentos, it is now available on
If you wish to view the full range of the items available:
2. Click on "Department" on the left side of the page to expand the list. The full range of merchandise with my artwork is listed here.
3. Select the item you like
The collections available now on my online store:
This collection is inspired by my artwork titled "Heartbeat".
To check out other items in this collection, go to:
This design is based on the art piece from my art journal collection with the same title. It is inspired by my realization that each colourful shape that comes into contact with other shapes, influences and affects each others’ colours.
To check out other items in this collection, go to:
This design is inspired by my realization that each colourful shape that comes into contact with other shapes, influences and affects each others’ colours.
To check out other items in this collection, go to: