For old times’ sake
It’s a day of inspirations today - a friend reminded me why I should continue to paint and another gave me inspiration what to paint as we go about the day planning what to eat next! heh!
And TA-DAaaa!!
Who remembers this old school snacks? Iced gem biscuits or commonly known as 肚脐饼! This brings me back to the time when grandma used to buy this for prayer offerings and we (my bro and I) would take a few from the jar, separate the biscuits from the ‘icings’, pop the colourful ‘icings‘ into our mouths and put the biscuits back into the jar! 😁 I could still remember the sensation of the ‘icing’ melting in my mouth. Heavenly! I found out much later that the ‘icing’ is made of meringue.